To receive the Mudges' prayer mails and newsletters, or to contact them by email for any reason, please send a message to Shaw or Julie, which goes directly to them, through the Diocesan clerical directory webpages for priests.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Prayer Mail June 25

Dear praying partners,
This is our weekly public prayer mail.

This week's update:

1) Lydia has her driver's test this week, and after that, we get her launched for the summer.

2) To see what Julie and I have been up to lately, regarding our missions work, visit:

3) We had a great time at St. Michael's in Colonie this morning.

Prayer requests:

1) For our missionary presentation at Zion Church in Morris this coming Sunday.

2) For our part in the upcoming Albany Couples' Cursillo weekend in August. The first teaming is this coming Saturday.

3) Pray for our online learning planning-meeting in Belize in July, not only about the program in Belize but also about the potential plans for the wider program in the Province of the West Indies, Tanzania, and the Diocese of Albany.

4) Pray for safe and timely travel, and a good experience on the ground during our planning visit to Belize.

Thank you for praying for us. Your prayers are very important us, and I pray for you every day.

God bless you,
In Christ,
Shaw+, and on behalf of Julie+
SAMS missionaries, as well as missionaries of the Diocese of Albany

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