To receive the Mudges' prayer mails and newsletters, or to contact them by email for any reason, please send a message to Shaw or Julie, which goes directly to them, through the Diocesan clerical directory webpages for priests.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Prayer Mail

Dear partners in prayer,
This is our weekly public prayer mail.

This week's selective overview:

1) We are winding down our time in the North Country, with a few parish visits to go over the next few weeks, before heading to Maine and the Albany area. I have enjoyed the visits to date.

2) Course development continues. The Google Web site library links are being updated in accordance with specific student/faculty needs.

3) The Learning Management System software upgrade went smoothly. Thank you to Bill (who did the work) and for your prayers.

4) Lydia is finishing her first college course (the courses are taken sequentially).

Prayer requests:

1) Keeping up with the balance of course creation, administrative matters, and teaching.

2) Some people have noted with regret that funds are tight in various places. My prayer would be that we all pray for people who are able to provide financial support for what we are doing, especially to keep up with the increase of what we are doing as missionaries.

3) For the organization and prioritization of parish visits over the next few months. That God's will be done.

4) For the faculty and the other staff, their circumstances and goals.

5) For volunteers who can translate our materials into Swahili and Guatemalan Spanish. One of our students has found someone in Belize who may be able help us with Spanish.

6) For volunteers who can design a 24/7 course "English as a Second Language" for our online theological context, especially for people who speak Swahili. We may be seeing some movement in this area.

7) Prospective ongoing mission trips to Belize and Tanzania: timing, length of stay, content, attendees, impact of the Holy Spirit. I have been asked to attend the October Cursillo Weekend in Belize, and am seeking to clarify my role there.

8) For the students and their families: a) for an increase in the student body, now that the program is about to expand, b) that the students would thrive despite the issues on their plate, and c) for everyone's circumstances and vocational paths.

God bless you, and thank you for praying. I pray for you every day. We could not be doing this without you.

In Christ,
Shaw+, and on behalf of Julie+

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