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Friday, October 18, 2013

Scripture Prayer

Psalm 128: 1-2

Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in his ways!

You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you.

Father God we thank You for the Mudges, Father Shaw and Mother Julie and their whole family.  We thank You that you bless them as You bless all who fear You and walk in your ways.  Thank You that their labor will be fruitful and that all will be well with them.

We pray especially for Father Shaw as he gets ready for the trip to Belize.  We pray for protection, both physical and spiritual.  May the travel be as safe and uneventful as possible.  Be with Father Shaw as he meets with his students and the bishop and others considering theological training.  Bless and protect all involved in the Cursillo weekend.  May your Holy Spirit fill all team and candidates to overflowing.  May your love bathe them all in joy.

And Lord, we again lift up Fr. Shaw and Mother Julie and ask for your continuing blessings upon them.  And in particular, we pray the following litany:

For the students whom You want in the program.

For the financing that You want for the program.

For the parish visits that You want the Mudges to make.

For the course development work that You want for the program, and for the appropriate faculty to teach the courses.

For the online campuses in Belize and Tanzania.

That the Mudges are open to what You want them to do.

For the October and January visits to Belize.

For all the Mudge family members that they have your support as they make important decisions, try to implement plans, and face challenges.

You are the Almighty God and we thank You for answering our prayers.






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