Areas of Need.
During our site visit to East Africa in February, we encountered many needs. In fact, there are great needs in each of the three sites that we have been considering.
In Gulu, the diocese is recovering from 20 years of war. In the midst of this, diocesan theological educational needs are focused on meeting the needs of congregations who have limited financial resources, by training Lay Readers.
In Mityana, there is a need to train clergy who were hastily ordained by a prior Bishop in face of important congregational considerations. The current Bishop is asking those clergy to undergo more thorough theological training, and he is also expanding the number of Lay Readers and future clergy.
In Nairobi, Church Army is training evangelists and Lay Readers for all of East Africa, including Southern Sudan, Uganda, and Kenya. The big concern for Church leaders in East Africa is that the next generation will be lost, spiritually, if they do not act now.
To this end, and at the request of Anglicans in East Africa, the mission assignment that we are considering in all three locations is: to come alongside and help our brothers and sisters in Christ, as part of the body of Christ, world-wide.
We come alongside in the spirit of Ephesians 4, the whole body of Christ working together. My focus would be on teaching. Julie's focus would be on the pastoral ministries of prayer and healing.
Our upcoming visits.
Our upcoming plans for mission presentations and updates, during March and April,are:
March 17: Metropolitan Deanery Convocation, St. Paul's, Troy
March 18: Christ Church, Coxsackie
March 25: St. John's, Ogdensburg
March 28: Trinity, Lansing burgh
April 1 (Palm Sunday), April 8 (Easter Day)
April 15: St. Michael's, Colonie
April 22: Good Shepherd, Canajoharie
April 29: St. Thomas', Tupper Lake
Ways to support us.
"What can we do, to help Shaw and Julie?"
We would appreciate your on-going prayers and financial support.
Please make checks out to: "SAMS", and put "Mudge" in the memo space. The mailing address is: SAMS, P. O. Box 399, Ambridge, PA 15003-0399.
Thank you. Your prayers and financial support make a tremendous difference for us, as well as a tremendous difference in the lives of the people whom we would serve.
God bless you,
Shaw+ and Julie+
Missionaries of the Diocese of Albany, serving
with SAMS.
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