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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Prayer March 17

From St. Patrick's Breastplate:

Christ before me,
Christ behind me,
Christ above me,
Christ below me,
Christ within me,
Christ to win me.

Father God, on this feast day of the first missionary to Ireland, we pray for Fr. Shaw and Mother Julie Mudge, that they always be surrounded by your presence, before them, behind them, above them, below them and especially within them. We continue to pray that you are guiding them into their next mission field and that you enable them to fulfill their goal: to come alongside and help their brothers and sisters in Christ, as part of the body of Christ, worldwide.

Father we pray for the three sites that they are considering: Gulu, Mityana, and Nairobi and their great spiritual needs. Give Shaw and Julie everything that they need to fulfill your great commission.

We pray special intentions and ask for your protection for Lydia as she goes back to finish her freshman year in college. And for Hannah and the Oaks of Righteousness and for Ruth and her concerns.

Thank You Lord for all the blessings that you bestow upon the Mudges and for the blessings that they are to everyone they meet.


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