To receive the Mudges' prayer mails and newsletters, or to contact them by email for any reason, please send a message to Shaw or Julie, which goes directly to them, through the Diocesan clerical directory webpages for priests.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Prayer Mail

Dear Partners in prayer,
This is our weekly public prayer mail.
We hope you are having a blessed Lent.

This week's overview:

1) I have just finished developing an Old Testament context course. Now, I move on to an "Introduction to Anglicanism course" which I will be teaching in Belize in May. Julie is working on a Biblical Interpretation course. Pray that all would be the kind of courses that Jesus has in mind for the students' needs.

2) Now that the dust has settled on our schedule, we have a much better idea of when one of us will be available to visit parishes and make missionary presentations, cover for supply clergy, anywhere in the Diocese, as long as the other of us is in the North Country. Please pray for God's plans for the respective parishes and for us, that all be done to the glory of God.

3) I am applying for a fellowship to support our mission work, to complete our financial needs. Pray that everything would done to the glory of God and that all the recommendation letters and paperwork arrives on time. I leave the outcome in the Lord's hands.

4) We get comments from people every once in a while, letting us know that we keep people more informed than other missionaries. Part of that is because we need prayer, every day. The Lord answered our prayers about the Tanzanian trip. I am scheduled to head there in late April, and go from there immediately to Belize in May.

5) One of the more common questions that people ask us is "where are you?" In my quiet time, the Holy Spirit compared what I am doing to the schedule of the Apostle Philip in Acts 8: the Lord takes us where he wants us. Our upcoming schedule is very complex, including possible holding an interactive session from Tanzania for students in Belize. Pray that the Lord will have us be a blessing through it all, and that his blessing be passed along to others as a result of where he places us.

Prayer requests:

1) For the students and their families, may the Holy Spirit transform, heal them, and empower them for ministry by what they learn and by what we teach. May what they learn be applied in God's ways, throughout their respective dioceses and denominations.

2) For North Country plans, as well as travel plans for the SAMS missionary retreat in early April, Western Tanganyika in late April, Belize in mid-May, and Albany Diocesan Convention in June.

3) For my meeting with the Bishop of the Diocese of Western Tanganyika next weekend, in the US.

4) For our parish schedule, that we be in the right place at the right time, and that people may be inspired by what we do. For Holy Week planning in Ogdensburg.

5) For a resolution to the health insurance issue, God's way.

God bless you, and thank you for praying. I pray for you every day.

In Christ,
Shaw+, and on behalf of Julie+
"We are building the ship, while sailing it."

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