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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Prayer Mail

Dear Friends, 

This is our public prayer mail for Tuesday 16 June 2015.  

Among the highlights of this past week: 

1) Julie and I celebrated our wedding anniversary. So what that we were a few thousand kilometers apart: we are in love.

2) Had a great 2.5 hour presentation about Pastoral Ministry at the diocesan workshop in Belize City on Saturday. Quite a few turned out. One of the outcomes was for the Pastoral Ministers to be thinking about a resource list of professionals/experienced people whom they might consult on those matters for which they might need outside help. Pray that the Holy Spirit leads folks to connect with the right resources/contact people for the basis of this list.
3) Many many things occurred this week including school chapel services, parish ministry, helping someone with a discernment issue, planning the re-invigoration of the diocesan seminary library in Belmopan.

4) My visa was extended through July 1, in Belmopan. That process took only about 20 minutes. The timing was right. Praise God.


1) For the remaining chapel services and devotional services in the schools over the final few weeks of the school year. For graduation Sunday at the parishes on the 21st, and graduation services at the schools on the 24th. The last day of the elementary school year is Friday, June 26. Pray for that I would listen to God's wisdom on these matters.

2) For the upcoming bible studies and parish services. 

3) On one of those days that the Holy Spirit led me down a path, well literally, it ended up being a fruitful day for an idea how to re-energize the use of the diocesan seminary library. Pray for discernment about how to make best use of the diocesan seminary library books, and to what extent we might have satellite branches around the diocese, which may mean purchasing copies of seminary books for the different locations and what those books might be. We now have a plan for access to the existing books in Belmopan, and for organizing and making an inventory of books that have survived the mold, there. Pray that the Holy Spirit would move us in the direction he wants us to go in this endeavor.

4) Continued prayers for driving the truck, as needed. I am also using the bus system and carpooling for longer journeys. Prayers for timely and safe travel.

5) Please keep each of the above items in prayer: health issues, our mission work, parish supply work, the various language opportunities, healthy food and exercise, and the weather. Pray for safe and timely travel, for the grant for the publication of the prayer book, and the Holy Spirit's priorities for us.

6) Please keep various family members in prayer about: relationships, events and appointments, decisions to make, educational goals, gainful employment, fruitful ministry, and God's presence while I am away.

7) Please pray about any remaining paperwork that Lydia may need to complete for school.

Your prayers are very important. I am praying for you every day.

God bless you, 

Shaw, and on behalf of Julie.
San Ignacio, Belize, Central America.

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