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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Prayer Mail

Dear partners in prayer,

This is our weekly public prayer mail.

It has been another interesting week. I am glad to have Lydia with us (I am also glad to be keeping in touch with the rest of my family). We continue to adjust to the new path ahead. I am pleased with the way things are going, but then, I am an optimist.

In the midst of it all was veterans day, a time to honor those who have sacrificed their time and talent in the service of our country. And there was elections day.

And what comes to mind today is one of my students in Belize (and a Cursillista), Velda. She is a true "veteran of the faith" if you will, not in the military sense, but in the sense of being a life-long saint. Velda has entered a medically induced coma, and tomorrow, her family will have to make a tough decision.

I am humbled by the observation that another of our students emailed to me about Velda, today: "I saw Velda last night and her hand was on the study Bible. Her children said that she referred to it constantly as she taught members of her family."

The study Bible was the study bible version that I felt led to ask the students to get for the courses and which the Diocese of Belize provided the students for that reason a few months ago. You just never know what God will do with his gifts.

1) We survived the storm of the week without a problem or a snowflake. My brother had 5 inches of snow in Connecticut.

2) With editorial help from family members and with suggestions from students, I continue to develop additional teaching materials for the Belize courses. Thank you, every one.

Prayer requests:

1) For Velda and her family.

2) For our family. Each of us has our own challenges and opportunities, including Lydia's next steps.

3) For the students and the courses.

4) That people's lives would be transformed by what we do and teach, to the glory of God.

5) For the plans to visit the Diocese of Western Tanganyika in Tanzania in March, and plans to visit Belize after Easter.

Your prayers are really important for us. I pray for you every day.
God bless you, and thank you for praying.

In Christ,
Shaw+, and on behalf of Julie+

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