To receive the Mudges' prayer mails and newsletters, or to contact them by email for any reason, please send a message to Shaw or Julie, which goes directly to them, through the Diocesan clerical directory webpages for priests.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Prayer Mail

Dear partners in prayer,
This is our weekly public prayer mail.  

This week's selective overview: 
I came back from Belize. All went very well. Torrential downpours during the Cursillo weekend, threatened to wash away a bridge which was on our way home. But the rain lessened, the bridge remained intact, and the waters receded.
This week the time change went into effect in the U.S., but there is not a time change in Belize.
My mission in Belize has expanded. In addition to our online studies, I am now Examining Chaplain for the ordination process, which means that I notify the Bishop Diocesan of Belize as to whether I believe a student is ready for ordination or not.
It also means that I have become a kind of advocate and vocational counselor for people in the ordination process. Our students are only one part of this larger group. As a result of my new responsibilities, my visits to Belize and my contacts with Belize will increase significantly.

Prayer requests:

1) Continue to pray for the January visit to Belize, for safe and timely travel, and that all would be done to God's glory. 

2) Pray for the new visits to Belize: 1st week in Advent, 1 week in Lent, monthly Skype meetings with people in the ordination process. Please pray for my role as advocate and vocational counselor for people in the ordination process, that the Holy Spirit would accomplish in Belize what he would like done there. 

3) Continuing prayer in good times and lean times for faculty, family, finances, plans, students, the ordination process, and courses.  

4) Prayer for parish visits in November.

In Christ,
Shaw+, and on behalf of Julie+ 

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