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Monday, December 23, 2013

Prayer Mail Dec 16

Dear partners in prayer,

This week's selective overview: 

1) This week, I added several hundred course-related video links to our public seminary Web-site on a variety of subjects, in addition to attending to other matters such as preparing with other faculty for the Spring 2014 courses and helping candidates with their ordination questions.

2) I added tracking to the main page of our seminary course Web site in Moodle, in addition to the tracking that I previously set up for our public Library Web site in Google. I am pleasantly surprised by the number of individual users as well as the number of hits at both locations.

3) A meeting set up with people in the ordination process in Belize did not happen for some reason, as far as I can tell. Some things are a mystery.

Prayer requests:

1) Pray for the monthly gatherings of those in the ordination process. It is new for the Diocese of Belize, at the Bishop's request.

2) Continue to pray for upcoming visits for Belize in January, March, May, and October.

3) Continue to pray in good times and lean times, that the Holy Spirit would guide: faculty, family, finances, plans, programs, diocesan plans, and parish visits.  

In Christ,

Shaw+, and on behalf of Julie+ 
I pray for you, everyday.

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