Dear partners in prayer,
This is our public prayer mail for July 29.
This week's selective overview:
Lydia has returned from her Bridger training with anticipation of going to Honduras in January /February, being part of an-on-the ground team, and with an option to extend her stay within visa requirements. In the meantime, she prepares for the mission work. She met another Bridger who is planning to work in Belize.
I continue with ongoing projects related to Belize.
Meanwhile, we continue to transition to Connecticut as our new base of operations. While remaining canonically resident in the Diocese of Albany, at the same time we are officially permitted to exercise priestly ministry in Connecticut, just as we are officially permitted to exercise priestly ministry in Belize. Our SAMS address, email addresses, and phone numbers remain the same.
Burmese refugees have benefitted the shedding of some of our wordily possessions as part of our plans to move.
Prayer requests:
1) The Bishop of Belize has requested my presence at ordinations in Belize. A date has not yet been set. I would not even estimate the date at this point. My hope is that the ordinations will take place in September or October.
2) I plan to return to Belize for Synod in October.
3) Pray for the continuing mission work in Belize, the translation of the online course work into Spanish for Belize and surrounding countries, and the on-going work of the Spanish version of the Book of Common Prayer for the Church in the Province of the West Indies.
4) Pray for my course preparation work, especially for an on-line course that I plan to teach, beginning August 30th and lasting to mid-October.
5) Pray for everything that is mission-related in our family....of all the parts of my missionary assignment. Pray for the Holy Spirit's guidance, a sense of humor, and flexibility, as we implement the plans.
6) Pray for our move to Manchester over the course of the next few weeks, and for Julie's winding down of her CPE program this week, amid her adding new responsibilities as staff hospital chaplain at two area hospitals. Pray for peace, effectiveness, love, joy, and creativity.
7) By the time some of you will have read this on the 29th, I will have had a birthday. Pray that my next year be to the glory of God, following the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
God bless you.
In Christ,
Shaw+, and on behalf of Julie+ and Lydia.
I pray for you, everyday. Your prayers are making a difference. Thank you.