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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Scripture Prayer

Psalm 51:30

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

From One Minute Prayers for Women

Just as You prepare a place for me, Lord, may I prepare a place for You. Create in me a clean heart that is pleasing to You. Make it a place that welcomes Your presence, God. I want a heart than clings tightly to Your promises. Let it beat strongly with Your purpose.

I want my soul to be a fortress that holds and protects Your Word within. Design a temple that is worthy to be called Your home. As I move through my days, I will think of the One who resides in me. Fill my heart with all that is pure and right so it will not be sacrificed to false gods but will be preserved and prepared for You alone.

Our Prayer for the Mudges:

Lord, the Mudges are praying for discernment about their next place of mission. Prepare that place for them, Lord. But more importantly, prepare their hearts for You. Create in them those pure hearts that are pleasing to You. Help them to cling tightly to Your promises and let their hearts beat strongly with Your purpose. May their souls be fortresses that hold and protect Your Word within. May their bodies be temples that are worthy to be called Your home. May they always be thinking of You. Fill their hearts with all that is pure and right so that these hearts will be preserved and prepared for You alone. May their hearts always welcome Your presence, God. Amen.

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