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Friday, October 12, 2012

Safe Arrival in Belize

Dear Praying friends,

I have arrived safely in Belize and am attending the Synod.

I arrived during the second strike of the week in the western part of Belize that has taken place because of the frequency of murders there. Yes, that part of the country is protesting that there are too many recent murders, there.

During the afternoon, I had a one and a half hour meeting with the Archbishop of the Province of the Church in the West Indies today about the path ahead for our online education program, integrating into the rest of the Province. So, with his blessing, I have a path forward. Pray that the Lord would guide this project.

I was welcomed warmly at the opening Holy Eucharist at the Synod tonight.

I started out the travel day about 1:30 am Belize time, and now I am concluding the day about mid-night on the same day: that's a 22.5 hour day. I did get a few hours sleep during flights and in the afternoon.

Tomorrow (Friday) I am to address the Synod, briefly. I have had an opportunity to talk briefly with students, potential students, and others.

God bless you,

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