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Friday, October 16, 2015

Belize Trip 12 Arrival Update

Dear friends,

I have arrived safely in Belize and had a briefing with Bp. Philip, as well as catching up with the latest news. Humidity is about 89% and it has been raining off and on. It is also warm, which makes the rain pleasant. 

As I have mentioned previously, I never really know what I am going to be doing until I meet with the Bishop. This trip follows in that tradition. 

There are several things set for me from weeks ago such as the Synod and the Cursillo weekend, and some will be revealed as we go along. Nothing is ever really set in concrete until it has already happened, and yet it is not chaos. It is a flexible arrangement that is filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit, one step at a time, in God's timing.

Please pray for the course of events as they are planned and as they unfold. The caveat, "subject to changes" applies, but this will give you an idea of what is likely to be ahead. In fact, my prayer theme for everything that follows is likely to be: Pray that the Holy Spirit speaks through me the right words to speak, and that this trip would be a blessing for all.

Here goes the current draft schedule: along the way are some plans for meetings with field supervisors of people in the ordination process, timing depends on the outcomes of phone calls. 

Planned for tomorrow are meetings with people in the ordination process, after morning devotions at the Bishop's house. Also planned is a meeting with the new Dean of the Cathedral as a way mutual introduction. Timing depends on outcomes of phone calls.

Saturday is a diocesan synod (mostly in plenary form) with perhaps other attendees than just the delegates (for wider circulation of diocesan goal presentation information), and I am to be prepared for the traditional thinking fast on one's feet, as the Bishop hands off the "projections for ministry briefing" in my direction at some point. We are forward looking, not simply picking up where we have left at last Synod. 

Sunday plans are for me to visit a parish for an evaluation of someone in the field who is in the ordination process.

By the way, my trip coincides with the visit of a team from England (they arrive tomorrow), so when I am not otherwise occupied, I am to be making day trips with them such as visiting different parishes throughout the month in different parts of the country. This gives me an opportunity to catch up with students, and to check-up on parishes, introduce myself to parishes as examining chaplain, and to get to know my fellow travelers who are helpful to Belize. 

Tuesday, I am to meet with the Commission on Ministry.

From the 22nd to the 25th, I will be with the Cursillo weekend.

From the 25th until I return home, I believe that the plans continue for me to travel out and about, with potential modifications to the plans as the situation warrants. 

God bless you,


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