To receive the Mudges' prayer mails and newsletters, or to contact them by email for any reason, please send a message to Shaw or Julie, which goes directly to them, through the Diocesan clerical directory webpages for priests.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Prayer Mail

Dear Friends,

This is our public prayer mail of Sunday, 15 November 2015:

This week:

A) Have been working on several projects, and following up on matters from the Belize Trip. Hopefully we can bring closure to the final editorializing of the Spanish Prayer Book soon.

B) Preaching course continues. 

C) I am in the early stages of planning for calendar year 2016.

Your prayers are requested for the following:

A) For more on the follow-up to the trip, for continuing to develop the final courses in the curriculum, and for the current preaching course that I am teaching. For closure to the Spanish Prayer Book project.

B) For parish visitations, sermons, and other matters over the next few months. I am at St. Mary's in Manchester for the balance of the year.

C) Family members continue to face major decisions, and your prayers for all of us are always welcome.

D) For Lydia and Julie in their studies. Julie's courses are planned to be complete in mid-to-late December. Lydia is planning her course schedule for next semester. 

E) For Hannah's health - she meets with a specialist this week.

F) For God's provision for all our needs.

Thank you for praying. I pray for you every day.

God bless you. 

Shaw, and on behalf of Julie.
Manchester, CT

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