To receive the Mudges' prayer mails and newsletters, or to contact them by email for any reason, please send a message to Shaw or Julie, which goes directly to them, through the Diocesan clerical directory webpages for priests.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Prayer Mail

Dear Friends,

This is our public prayer mail of Sunday, 22 November 2015. 

We are wishing you a very blessed Thanksgiving.

This week:

A) The editing of the Spanish Prayer Book was completed. The next step is the printer. I have been invited down to Belize for my work on the project at some point in the future. There was a lot of going back and forth this week making it happen.

B) The distance learning Parish Development and Stewardship course is now ready for students as of this week. It begins at the end of January, and it may be presented in either live or 24/7 format. Now, onward to the tests for the General Church History and Liturgy course. Survived some interesting moments on the Internet.

C) Planning for 2016 continues.

D) Completed the follow-up matters from my recent Belize trip.

Your prayers are requested for the following:

A) For the current preaching course that I am teaching, and the course scheduling for 2016. For the printing of the Spanish Prayer Book in a timely manner.

B) For parish visitations, sermons, and other matters over the next few months. God has graciously arranged for me to do only one service on Christmas Eve, so now I can spend time with my family, after the 4 pm service.

C) Thanksgiving time with family. Some plans are still in the works. 

D) Family members continue to face major decisions, and your prayers for all of us are always welcome on these matters both now and into 2016. The Holy Spirit is doing a fantastic job of pulling things together, and at the same time, life could be interesting for some folks in 2016. 

E) For Lydia and Julie in their studies. Julie's courses are planned to be complete in mid-to-late December. Lydia is planning her course schedule for next semester. 

F) For Hannah's health - she met with a specialist this week, and she is waiting on test results.

G) For my mother getting settled back into her area dwelling after several months away.  

H) For God's provision for all our needs.

Thank you for praying. I pray for you every day.

God bless you. 

Shaw, and on behalf of Julie.
Manchester, CT

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