To receive the Mudges' prayer mails and newsletters, or to contact them by email for any reason, please send a message to Shaw or Julie, which goes directly to them, through the Diocesan clerical directory webpages for priests.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Prayer Mail

Dear partners in prayer,

This week's selective overview: 
1) This is our first prayer mail of 2014. Happy New Year! Blessed Epiphany!

2) Courses continue, and new ones are in preparation. Ordination processes continue.
3) We had a wonderful visit over Christmas and New Year's with family and friends. Some plans were juggled due to changes in the weather and travel plan disruptions, but we had a good time, just the same.
Prayer requests:
1) There are important meetings coming up this month. Special prayer is requested for guidance and discernment, and that at each of these meetings the Holy Spirit would direct our steps forward. Thank you for your prayers so far, and please keep praying.
2) Pray for continued blessing for everyone involved with our ministry and mission work. Prayer for course development work would be appreciated. Your prayers are making a difference.
3) Continue to pray for upcoming visits to Belize: later in January, March, May, and October, and for parish visits in the U.S. 
4) Pray that at the moments while highlighting the importance of missionary bishops, that people would remember the other workers, too, so that all God's missionary workers would be supported as Jesus' would like. God calls many kinds of people with different kinds of gifts as complements to one another in the mission field.  
5) Continue to pray during Epiphany Season that the Holy Spirit would guide and supply the needs of: faculty, family, finances, plans, programs, diocesan plans, and parish visits.  
In Christ,

Shaw+, and on behalf of Julie+ 
I pray for you, everyday.

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