To receive the Mudges' prayer mails and newsletters, or to contact them by email for any reason, please send a message to Shaw or Julie, which goes directly to them, through the Diocesan clerical directory webpages for priests.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Prayer Mail

Dear Friends,

This is our public prayer mail of Sunday, 24 January 2016. 

My best wishes for your Happy Epiphany Season continue! As I write this it is snowing. May the snow end up being a delight and not a hinderance to God's plans for you this week.

I am attaching our monthly making a difference newsletter for January 2016 in both "docx" and "pdf" formats. 

This week:

A) The Parish Development and Stewardship distance learning course has begun!

B) Had more vocational consultations with interested parties in Belize.

C) Nearly finished creating the Old Testament Scriptures distance learning course. I like how this is turning out. I wish I had taken this course. My conclusion: after getting the basics down, if you want to learn something, teach it.

D) Continued to work on overall ministry plans for the next few months. 

Your prayers are requested for the following:

A) For the Parish Development and Stewardship course students, and students taking other courses (being distance learning, there are various students taking different courses all at the same time, though being adult learners with careers: each of the students generally has time to take one course at a time).

B) For the ongoing ministry with Belizeans, including in my role as Examining Chaplain.

C) For parish and ministry plans throughout 2016, that we follow the Holy Spirit's guidance.

D) For the printing of the Province of the West Indies Spanish Prayer Book in a timely manner, and for the next round of ordinations in Belize (possibly April, the plans are not set in place). The Diocese of Belize has moved to the RCL lectionary (not in the Prayer Book) in the last few months along with most of the Anglican Communion, including East Africa and England, so I am planning to look any further plans for the Prayer Book in this regard (publication may not be affected).

E) For safe and timely travel in the winter weather, and for good weather. 

F) For relatives and close family friends who continue to face major issues, for healing, for suitable arrangements for my mother. Regarding various issues: Some people have improved. Praise God! Some people have been diagnosed in the past few weeks as potentially life threatening (F. Y. I. not Hannah...). Ugh! Some people's situations are mysteries (not sure what is going on). And praise God for everyone who is healthy or only has minor issues!

Thank you for praying. I pray for you every day. Onward onto 2016!

God bless you. 

Shaw, and on behalf of Julie.
Manchester, CT

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