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Monday, January 4, 2016

Prayer Mail

Dear Friends,

This is our public prayer mail of Sunday, 3 January 2016. 

Happy New Year! Epiphany season begins later this week! Right now, for those keeping track, we are in Christmas season at "10 lords a-leaping", and counting.

This week:

A) Am touching up an existing course before launching into the creation of an Old Testament Scriptures course. 

B) It has been a busy week with various family members coming and going, including an unexpected visit from my mother (and in addition, in Ruth's case, a plane cancellation on the way out, so we had the special honor of a return engagement as well as an early morning drive to the airport on the next day.)

C) Julie had an anniversary of her ordination to the Presbyterate, January 1, at 1 pm: 1-1-1

Your prayers are requested for the following:

A) For the printing of the Province of the West Indies Spanish Prayer Book in a timely manner, and for the next round of ordinations in Belize.  

B) For the scheduling of my next trip to Belize.

C) For the distance learning Parish Development and Stewardship course that begins in three weeks; for the students who would be taking the course.

D) For the ministry in 2016 that would enable me to do that which the Holy Spirit may have in mind. For students and courses, and for my role as Examining Chaplain.

E) For safe and timely travel. 

G) For family members who continue to face major decisions, for healing, and for suitable arrangements for my mother. 

2016 is beginning with various ailments among certain family members, some on the rather serious side. Ugh. So, your prayers are asked for them, that they would be healed in God's time and in God's way. Since I have not asked their permission to mention their names in this context, I will just say "family members" and in a wider sense of "family".

H) For God's continued provision and protection, and Jesus' leading in that regard.

Thank you for praying. I pray for you every day.

God bless you. 

Shaw, and on behalf of Julie.

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