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Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Missionary Life 2013.
What is missionary life like?

A lot of people ask us that question for a number of different reasons.

Missionary life is: exotic, dangerous, boring, whimsical, adventurous, joyous, depressing, and more, all in the same day. We meet all kinds of interesting people. We meet all kinds of people in general, some of whom might not appear to be interesting, until you get to know them.

Bishops and commissions on ministry have plans for our students, and one of our jobs is to try to keep the students inspired, to keep them going amidst all of the challenges facing them. Hopefully, it is a team effort. Sometimes, it does not always feel like a team effort because everyone is busy, bishops and commissions on ministry included. But there are those moments, when it does feel like a team effort. Those are moments to be cherished. It depends on the day, and sometimes, on the time of day.

We encourage students like Delvorine, a young lay person who is challenged by the demands: of her job, of taking care of her multigenerational family, of balancing all this with her heavy involvement in her mission church (she is the backbone of the parish), and with the remaining time that she has, of trying to take our courses. Is she successful? It depends. But, at least, she has something. We encourage people like Delvorine to keep pursuing Lay Leader certification, the Diaconate, or whatever the Bishop has in mind. It is all in a day’s work.

The Delvorines of this world are one reason why our online courses exist 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Attending regular classroom time in a distant city may not be possible because of the demands on their lives, and travel to class and back is becoming more and more dangerous for them.

Contributions to SAMS for our missionary support goes for both our living and missionary expenses in the US and other countries, just as if we were full-time living in another country and visiting the US.

Ways to support us.

Your prayers and financial support make the online educational ministry happen. Thank you.

Please make checks out to: "SAMS", and put "Mudge" in the memo space. The mailing address is: SAMS, P. O. Box 399, Ambridge, PA 15003-0399.

God bless you,
Shaw+ and Julie+
Missionaries of SAMS and Albany.
A major highway in central Belize, Central America.

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