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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Scripture Prayer

Psalm 87:7

Singers and dancers alike say, “All my springs are in you.”

The spring is a metaphor for the source of all that gives life, and that is You, Father God. You give us life and You give us everything that makes life worth living. You are worthy of all honor and praise. We thank You for the life that You have given to Father Shaw and Mother Julie Mudge and the gifts that You have bestowed upon them so that they can do your work. We pray that the life-giving springs continue to flow through them in their ministry.

Lord, please be with the Mudges this week as they continue to develop and teach new courses. We pray for people who are able to provide financial support for them; for volunteers to translate their materials into Swahili and Guatemalan Spanish; for someone to develop an English as a Second Language (ESL) course; and for guidance in the planning of trips to Belize and Tanzania. Also Lord, we ask for an increase in the student body and that the students would thrive. Thank You Lord for all the springs of your creation. Amen.

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